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EQ, or Emotional Quotient, was once known and understood by only the most savvy business executives who understood its importance in the marketplace. Those in the know knew that having a high EQ was often as important, or maybe more so, than possessing a high IQ. There was a time when EQ had a modest, at best, following. Not anymore.

Much in the way that a band may enjoy nothing more than a cult-following before being thrust into mainstream stardom with a hit record, there was a time when EQ was generally unknown and often misunderstood. The select few who did understand the importance of EQ were small in numbers and their beliefs and management tactics may have been considered against the grain by mainstream's thinkers of the time. Not anymore.

Today, EQ has gone mainstream. Less and less hiring managers are focusing on skill sets, extensive experience or IQ, instead focusing on candidates who possess a high EQ and appear to be a solid culture fit. Savvy leaders understand the true value provided by a person possessing high emotional intelligence. EQ has reached the big time.

EQ is short for Emotional Quotient, also known as emotional intelligence. A foremost expert in the field, Daniel Goleman says that EQ refers to being aware of how our emotions drive our behavior and impact people (positively and negatively) and being able to manage those emotions, especially when under pressure.

Everyone has high EQ when things are going right. It’s easy to get along with people, have positive conversations and be an upstanding member of the organization, or society as a whole. What sets those with high EQ apart from the rest is how they operate under pressure.

Our EQ can be challenged in a number of ways, and it can happen in an instant. For example, maybe you received some negative feedback. Your first impulse may be to get defensive and fight to protect your reputation. Do you act on that impulse? Do you tell that person exactly how you feel, for better or worse, or do you accept the feedback? Accepting and learning from negative feedback is a sign of higher EQ.

What happens when you are close to a deadline and have more work to do than time left to do it? Are you able to stay calm and systematically knock out the necessary tasks? Or, do you panic, begin to freak out and lash out at the first person you see because your world is coming unraveled? Staying calm is a sign of higher EQ.

We know certain people can be a huge challenge to maintaining high EQ. Some people are simply hard to get along with and can be a source of continuous conflict. How do you handle that coworker, customer or family member with whom you regularly clash? If you are able to stay calm, keep the peace and show restraint, even when they push your buttons to red alert, you probably have high EQ.

EQ is not engrained

The good news is that EQ can continuously be improvedEmotional Intelligence should be looked at more as a journey than a destination. Every single day we can be a little better than we were yesterday, and it all starts with becoming more aware. The more aware we can be of our own emotions and the emotions of those around us, the more in control we will remain, and the more respect we will gain.

By using the TTI Success Insights’ 39-module LEARN LMS system to learn about behaviors, motivators and emotional intelligence, you’ll open up a new channel of communication with your team, boss and in your personal relationships. These three personal development learning programs provide you with a profound understanding about self and others.

Certification exams have been separated and are offered separately for those interested in becoming credentialed. Certification exam includes access to Carl Nielson for learning support for those individuals that purchased the LEARN e-learning program and certification exam.

DISC is the universal language of how a person does what they do. DISC is an observable language. Consisting of unique factors, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance, DISC measures behaviors of an individual.

Everyone has their own style and tendencies. When working virtually, we need to become even more aware of our strengths and weaknesses and how to manage them. We don't have our peers, leaders and other influencers around us so time and priority management is key.

  • How to identify behavioral tendencies used to gauge and improve productivity in self and others.
  • Greater personal insights and self-awareness that lead to greater use of strengths and mitigation of gaps in meeting the behavioral demands of the job.
  • Strategies and techniques for eliminating potential time wasters, leveraging keys to managing and motivating and focusing on areas for improvement."> 

The LMS platform will guide you through 17 modules of instruction required to complete a mid-training and final review exam. Participants also receive a DISC assessment, 25+ page behavioral report and the Universal Language DISC Reference Manual (PDF).

People who are passionate about what they’re doing perform at a much higher level. Driving Forces are the hidden forces that energize you to tackle your job and career with enthusiasm and ambition. It’s a drive we feel internally compelled to fulfill. It’s why we do what we do. However, it’s so innate within each of us that most of us never learn how to define it and harness it.

Driving Forces exist in everyone from the receptionist to the CEO. The level to which the forces are satisfied can be directly proportional to how engaged and productive your employees are, impacting the profitability of your organization. What drives a sales and marketing team can stand in stark contrast to the research and development or accounting teams. And that’s not a bad thing—it’s just who we are. Each of us have certain Driving Forces that drive our actions.

  • How to explain, clarify and amplify the driving forces in their life, empowering you to build on unique strengths, which we bring to work and life.
  • How passions from the 12 Driving Forces® frame our perspectives.
  • How to understand and appreciate the Driving Forces of others.
  • How to establish methods to recognize how your Diving Forces interact with others to improve communication.

The LMS platform will guide you through 12 modules of instruction required to complete a mid-training and final review exam. Participants also receive a Driving Forces assessment, 12 page driving forces report and the TTI Success Insights Driving Forces Reference Manual (PDF).

Emotional Quotient™ (EQ) looks at a person’s emotional intelligence, which is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity. An understanding of EQ provides personal insight into two broad areas: Self and Others.

Research shows that successful leaders and superior performers have well-developed emotional intelligence skills. People with well-developed EQ work well with a wide variety of people and to respond effectively to the rapidly changing conditions in the business world. In fact, data suggests a person’s EQ may be a better predictor of success performance than intelligence (IQ).

  • How to improve their own emotional intelligence as it pertains to self and others.
  • Personal strengths and weaknesses that act as a guide for improvement.
  • How to improve communication and reduce stress.
  • What may trigger a positive or negative reaction.

The LMS platform will guide you through 10 modules of instruction required to complete a mid-training and final review exam. Participants also receive a The Emotional Quotient™ (EQ) assessment, 12-page Emotional Quotient Report and the TTI Success Insights Emotional Intelligence EQ Reference Manual (PDF).

Take your career to the next level with professional certification status.

Add an additional layer of credibility to your tool belt in one of the most popular sciences in the industry.

Mastering the 12 Driving Forces theory and its application will result in debriefings your internal clients will appreciate.

The hottest trend in organizational development right now. Mastering the five areas of emotional intelligence such as self and social regulation. How will your organization benefit from an internal expert on EQ?